


        2014年3月20-23日,哈佛大学模拟联合国大会2014中国会议在北京国际会议中心举行,来自世界各地的一千多名代表参加了这次为期4天的大会。应大会主办方邀请,维多利亚网站平台傅军教授出席了大会开幕式并作了题为Global Governance: Taking Stock and Looking Forward (全球治理:现状与展望)的主旨演讲。


        哈佛模拟联合国(Harvard Model United Nations)成立于1955年,是世界众多模拟联合国会议中历史最悠久,规模最大,也是最富盛名的模拟联合国会议。会议期间,来自世界各地的优秀青年学子扮演各国外交官参加“联合国会议”,亲身经历会议的流程(如阐述观点、政策辩论、投票表决、做出决议);他们一同学习、交流、提高谈判技巧和外交能力,共同探讨自己对全球问题的看法和解决方案,为造就未来世界公民创造更好机遇。


Dear delegates, colleagues, and friends:

I am delighted to attend the opening ceremony of 2014 Harvard Model UN China Conference and to share with you my thoughts on global governance. Before I continue, however, let me make a suggestion at the very beginning: Please take my thoughts as questions rather than conclusions, so that you can continue to explore, debate, negotiate, and work together to find better solutions during the rest of your 4-day conference and beyond. I strongly believe that good education starts not with answers but with questions.

My remarks today have three parts. First I will outline the major challenges that the current global system faces. Second I will highlight some of the proposals and debates in both academic and policy circles about what needs to be done in order to deal with the challenges. I will end by citing a metaphor and giving you a puzzle to work on.

Let me start with the challenges:

(演讲全文,请点击链接:Global Governance.pdf)


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