


主  题:美国大选后的中美关系 Topic: Post-Election Us-China Relations   演讲人:美国前财政部副部长  提姆?亚当斯 Speaker: Tim Adams,Ex Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs      提姆?亚当先生曾就读于美国肯塔基大学,获金融专业的学士学位、公共事务管理硕士学位和国际关系硕士学位;他曾是美国两届财长保罗?奥尼尔和约翰?斯诺属下的领班人物,在老布什总统当政时,他还在白宫美国总统政策发展办公室任职,2003年11月至2004年底,他担任布什总统再次竞选班子政策制定主任参加助选,后任美国财政部副部长。目前是美国林赛集团(The Lindsey Group)执行总监。      Tim Adams is Managing Director of The Lindsey Group. Previously, Mr. Adams served as Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs. Prior to assuming his post as Under Secretary, he had served as Chief of Staff to both Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill and Treasury Secretary John Snow. He was Policy Director for the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign from November 2003 through the end of 2004 and also served as a full time member of the Bush-Cheney campaign staff in Austin in the 2000 campaign.  Mr. Adams also served in the White House under the first President Bush at the Office of Policy Development. He holds a B.S. in Finance and a Masters in Public Administration and an M.A. in International Relations from the University of Kentucky.   时  间:2008年11月13日(星期四) 14:00 地  点:维多利亚网站平台廖凯原楼206会议室 主持人:政府管理学院常务副院长 傅军教授 阅读次数:
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