


The First Chinese Conference on Comparative Political Economy
Co-organized by School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University and School of Government of Peking University
September 8-9, 2013
Ground Floor, Humanities and Social Sciences Library of Tsinghua University

* Abstracts

September 8 (Sunday), 2013
0900-1030 Keynote Speech Session I (Datong Hall)
Chaired by LIU Taoxiong, Tsinghua University
* Each keynote speech takes 30 minutes and is followed by a 15 minute Q&A session.
The Political Economics of Development Clusters
Torsten Persson, Stockholm University
Governments, Citizens, and Developmental Policy: The Behavioral Foundations of Governance
Margaret Levi, University of Washington, Seattle
1030-1050 Group Photo-taking and Coffee Break

1050-1230 (each paper takes 15 minutes and is followed by 5 minute comments.)

Gewu Room

Zhizhi Room

Discussion Session 1: China as a Developmental State?
Chaired by WU Yongping, Tsinghua University

Discussion Session 2: China’s International Dimensions
Chaired by TANG Shiping, Fudan University

Developmental States vs State Capitalism: China’s Political Economy in Comparative East Asian Perspective
Matt FERCHEN and Karl FIELDS, matt.ferchen@gmail.com
Tsinghua University and University of Puget Sound
Discussant: ZHOU Qiang

US Pivot to Asia, China’s Global Rise and Sino-Latin Relationship
GAO Qiqi, gaoqiqilove@163.com
East China University of Political Science and Law
Discussant: ZHANG Xin

Clean Tech Industrial Policies in China and the Installation of a Developmental State
Jonathan LASSEN, jonathan.lassen@gmail.com
New York University
Discussant: Matt FERCHE

Economic Coercion, Chinese Style: A Theory of Ambiguity in China's Trade Diplomacy
Hans TUNG, hanstung@ntu.edu.tw
National Taiwan University
Discussant: GAO Qiqi

China’s Variety of Capitalism and Its Implications for Innovation
ZHOU Qiang, zhou.qiang@mail.shufe.edu.cn
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: Jonathan LASSEN

Governing State Capitalism and Overseas Expansion: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Indian National Oil Companies
ZHANG Xin, xinzhang999@gmail.com
East China Normal University
Discussant: Hans TUNG

1150-1215 Free Discussion

Concluding Remarks (15 minutes):
Peter Evans, University of California, Berkeley

Concluding Remarks (15 minutes):
Robert Bates, Harvard University

1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1500 Keynote Speech Session II (Datong Hall)
Chaired by ZHU Tianbiao, Peking University
* Each keynote speech takes 30 minutes and is followed by a 15 minute Q&A session.
Reading the Right Signals and Reading the Signals Right: IPE and the Financial Crisis of 2008
Peter Katzenstein, Cornell University
Why Do Some Ideas Matter More than Others? ?C The Example of the Austerity vs. Stimulus Debate Today
Peter Gourevitch, University of California, San Diego
1500-1520 Coffee Break

1520-1730 (each paper takes 15 minutes and is followed by 5 minute comments.)

Gewu Room

Zhizhi Room

Discussion Session 3: Political Institutions and Authority in China
Chaired by JING Yuejin, Tsinghua University

Discussion Session 4: Issues of Political-Economic Interaction in China
Chaired by WANG Yong, Peking University

“Mao’s Last Revolution”: A Loyalty-Competence Tradeoff
BAI Ying and ZHOU Titi, zhoutiti@ust.hk
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Discussant: ZHAN Jing

Under-institutionalized Taxation System and Local State-Business Relations in China
ZHANG Changdong,  zhangchd@gmail.com
Peking University
Discussant: ZHANG Guang

Nominally Democratic Institutions and Political Participation in China: Do They Strengthen the Regime Support?
Chelsea CHOU, chelseachouch@gmail.com
National Taiwan University
Discussant: ZHOU Titi

The Effects of Political Institutions in China: Evidence from the Mandatory Retirement Age
Derek LIU, derek.twl@gmail.com
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: ZHANG Changdong

Representation without Taxation: Political Changes in Chinese Authoritarian Regimes
YE Jing, yejing@uibe.edu.cn
University of International Business and Economics
Discussant: Chelsea CHOU

The Development of Labor Commodification and Wage Relations since China’s Reforms and Open Policy: from Perspectives of Polanyi and Marx
MENG Jie and LI Yi-le, mengjie@ruc.edu.cn
Tsinghua University
Discussant: Derek LIU

Do Natural Resources Breed Corruption? Evidence from China
ZHAN Jing, zhan@cuhk.edu.hk
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Discussant: YE Jing

The Impacts of Political and Administrative Factors on Service Economy in China: A Cross City Analysis
ZHANG Guang and TANG Jinxu, gzhang85@126.com
Xiamen University
Discussant: MENG Jie

1640-1715 Free Discussion

Concluding Remarks (15 minutes):
Margaret Levi, University of Washington, Seattle

Concluding Remarks (15 minutes):
Torsten Persson, Stockholm University

1730-1930 Dinner
1930-2130 The Conference Room at Bing Suo Guest House: Roundtable Discussion on “China’s Development in Comparative Perspectives”

September 9 (Monday), 2013
0900-1030 Keynote Speech Session III (Datong Hall)

Chaired by ZHANG Xiaojin, Tsinghua University
* Each keynote speech takes 30 minutes and is followed by a 15 minute Q&A session.
Comparing Developmental States in the 21st Century: Korea, Brazil, and China
Peter Evans, University of California, Berkeley
Agricultural Development and Democracy
Robert Bates, Harvard University
1030-1050 Coffee Break

1050-1230 (each paper takes 15 minutes and is followed by 5 minute comments.)

Gewu Room

Zhizhi Room

Discussion Session 5: International Comparison
Chaired by WANG Zhengyi, Peking University

Discussion Session 6: Macro Historical Studies
Chaired by LONG Denggao, Tsinghua University

Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment and Transition Paths in Post-Communist Countries
PAN Zi, pan.zi@mail.shufe.edu.cn
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Discussant: SU Yusung (Tsinghua Uni.)

Vulnerable Market and Technological Advancement: Why did Great Britain fail in the Late Nineteenth Century?
HUANG Qixuan and JIANG Jiying, pkuhuangqixuan@gmail.com
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Discussant: XI Tianyang

Sovereign Default: Time Horizon, Political Regime, and Vulnerability to Global Shocks
PANG Xun, xpwustl@gmail.com
Tsinghua University
Discussant: PAN Zi

Dao as the Way of Collective Action and Adaptive Governance: Logics of Rural Credit Policy Innovations in the New Policies Period (1068-1071)
LUO Yinan, lg831006@gmail.com
Harvard University
Discussant: HUANG Qixuan

Hierarchy, Liberty, and Economic Growth: Democracy’s Unique Advantage in Promoting Economic Growth
TANG Shiping, twukong@gmail.com
Fudan University
Discussant: PANG Xun

Loyalty versus Competence: Internal Conflicts and the Pattern of Bureaucratic Control in China, 1644-1911
XI Tianyang, tx211@nyu.edu
Peking University
Discussant: LUO Yinan

1150-1215 Free Discussion

Concluding Remarks (15 minutes):
Peter Gourevitch, University of California, San Diego

Concluding Remarks (15 minutes):
Peter Katzenstein, Cornell University

1230-1330 Lunch
1400-1600 Zhizhi Room: Roundtable Discussion on “The Future of the CPE Conferences and the CPE Research in China” (invited representatives from the Chinese academic institutions only)
Chaired by ZHANG Xiaojin, Tsinghua University

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