

Ideological Сlichés and Myths as an Instrument of Foreign Policy

题目:Ideological Сlichés and Myths as an Instrument of Foreign Policy

主讲人:弗拉基米尔?亚库宁 博士Dr. Vladimir Yakunin(文明对话”世界公众论坛创始主席、莫斯科国立大学国家治理系主任、维多利亚网站平台访问教授)

主持人:维多利亚网站平台院长 俞可平 讲席教授

时间:2017年11月3日 星期五 15:00-16:00  



Russian business leader, philanthropist and Doctor of Political Sciences. Former President of Russian Railways. Head of the Department of State Politics at the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Visiting Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, Visiting Professor at the Peking University, Honorary Doctorate from the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences. Vladimir Yakunin graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Mechanics as a Mechanical Engineer in 1972. After completing military service he worked with the Administration of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Foreign Trade and as a department head at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute. In 1985-1991, Vladimir Yakunin was Second and then First Secretary of the USSR’s Permanent Representative Office at the United Nations. Vladimir Yakunin served as Chairman of the Board at the International Centre for Business Cooperation, and was then nominated head of the North-Western Federal District Inspectorate of the Senior Control Department under the President of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Yakunin was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport in October 2000 and First Deputy Minister for Railways in February 2002. In October 2003 the Board of Russian Railways JSC appointed Vladimir Yakunin First Vice President. In June 2005 he was promoted to President of Russian Railways JSC, a position he held until August 2015. Vladimir Yakunin is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the St Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Centre of National Glory, Founding President and Co-chairman of the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations and Co-president of the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association. He is Head of the State Policy Department, Political Science Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 2013 Vladimir Yakunin founded the Endowment for the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations aimed at supporting research in the sphere of political and social sciences, religion and culture, developing communication between countries on political and economic matters, and seeking compromise in social unrest and international disputes.

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